Sharing Is Caring: An Investigation and Exploration of Current Use of Shared Decision-Making Tools
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- Member - $25
The US Department of Health and Human Services has identified shared decision-making (SDM) as a key strategy and model of patient-centered care; and in 2016 CMS adopted SDM as a part of its beneficiary and incentive models. These changes have significantly impacted how we understand HCP education, today. If we understand SDM as a key component of patient-centered health care, and as a process in which clinicians and patients work together to make decisions (e.g., select tests, treatments, and care plans) based on clinical evidence that balances risks and expected outcomes with patient preferences and values, then we as healthcare educators and industry professionals need to construct an evidence-based framework around the most effective ways to educate around these “soft” skills. Skills, which are perhaps not easily translated through more traditional educational approaches.
This session will review the results of multiple survey studies to further understand clinicians’ attitudes toward SDM as well as their practical use of SDM tools. The main study is a large-scale qualitative and quantitative survey assessing the educational needs of clinicians who manage patients with chronic pain, with special emphasis on specialty cohort differences. Findings from the study suggest that while the acquisition of patient-centered communication and decision-making skills are considered essential to the treatment and management of patients suffering from chronic pain, only a small portion of clinicians are aware of SDM tools and an even smaller percentage are actually utilizing them in their daily practice. Additional findings from a physician sample not related to the management of patients with chronic pain will also be presented to offer a diversity of perspectives on SDM.
Following a presentation of study findings, we will leverage these data to support an interactive audience discussion to further explore the landscape of SDM in continuing medical education today.
Learning Objectives:
Explain and discuss the study findings related to clinicians' attitudes and behaviors related to SDM.
Critically consider the current and future potential of SDM in continuing medical education programing.