A Practicing Oncologist's Perspective on the Learning Continuum and Evidence-Based Care
- Non-member - $55
- Member - $25
This learning lab will teach participants how physicians’ stages of learning impact their ability to change behavior and when these changes are likely to occur, using the viewpoints of both CME professionals and a practicing oncologist. This information has a direct impact on how we as CME providers design our education and predict the level of outcomes likely to be achievable. This will be of particular interest to those CME providers who do not work in a clinical setting.
Attendees will break into small working groups and receive specific case scenarios that present:
- a conflicting clinical guideline,
- multiple “correct” responses that are evidence-based,
- a correct response based on an evolving standard of care therapy, and
- a patient for whom the guideline-based treatment wouldn’t be appropriate.
Attendees will hear the viewpoints of a practicing oncologist (David Gallinson, DO) about how to interpret outcomes from these scenarios, how competence can and does lead to clinical behavior change, and when those changes occur. Dr. Gallinson will also share examples of how he has used information obtained from CME activities (along with point-of-care research, clinical data, and collaboration with his colleagues) to make clinical practice changes.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the stages of learning physicians go through before they adopt CME into clinical practice.
- Assess the clinical nuances that impact adoption of clinical guidelines and evidence-based medicine into patient care.
- Determine the optimal educational formats and assess the time-frame needed to move physicians through the stages of learning.